Young Shakespeareans Summer Theatre Camps and Teen Workshops

Comments5经过丽贝卡·鲍尔维特(Rebecca Bollwitt)

海滩上的吟游诗人宣布其年度返回Young Shakespeareans Summer Theatre Camps and Teen Workshops,将于7月3日开始,并持续到2018年8月31日。

Registration is now open for the programs, which allow children and teens from ages 8 to 18 to receive coaching by professional actors from Bard on the Beach, and perform some of Shakespeare’s most beloved works on the iconic stage under the white tents in Vanier Park. One of the theatre company’s key education initiatives for more than two decades, this season Young Shakespeareans will grow and expand to include full-day options that take participants beyond the world of performance and into production.

Photo by Joe Biegel

Young Shakespeareans Summer Theatre Camps and Teen Workshops

地点:在Vanier Park的海滩上的吟游诗人

Participation costs range from $370.00 to $490.00 for two-week, half-day programs and one-week, full-day programs; and $800.00 for two-week, full-day programs. All programs have additional options available for early drop-off and late pick-up. A Bard Education Bursary Fund is also available for individuals who may require assistance overcoming financial barriers to participation.


全部范围年轻的莎士比亚夏令营和研讨会由组成16distinct sessions,,,,most of which are half-day sessions running for two weeks. Each workshop caters to a specific age group (8 to 13 or 13 to 18 year olds) and is centred around one of Shakespeare’s most beloved plays (among 2018 options are村庄,,,,Romeo and Juliet,,,,Julius Caesar,,,,仲夏夜之梦,,,,and more). Two intensive workshops are offered for full-day sessions for a single week, for 11-14 and 15-18 year olds.

在研讨会的过程中,巴德公司的专业演员将帮助参与者通过语音,动作和对话教练,,,,and with activities designed to boost confidence and foster collaborative relationships. Each session culminates with the opportunity for the young thespians to share their work on Bard on the Beach’s Vanier Park stages.

2018年的新功能是,传统的为期两周的半天计划将扩展到全天选项。在学习和排练的早晨,参与者可以选择下午留下来,“幕后”learn about the broader workings of a theatre production。这些特殊活动将包括道具和衣柜的探索,技术设施之旅以及与嘉宾音乐节工作人员的特殊访问和活动。

Young Shakespeareansis the flagship program of吟游诗人这是剧院组织的一个手臂,致力于通过动态,引人入胜的语言,角色和戏剧的动态,威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)的启发。


Win Your Way In


  • 年轻的莎士比亚营地的一个地方:莎士比亚改组
    ((Valued at $490
  • Aug 13-17, 2018上午9:30至下午5:00,为11-14岁的老人
  • A一周,全天密集型探讨了戏剧中最喜欢的场景和演讲。
  • 营地的注册包括2张免费的门票,可进行预定的,舞台表演。对于这个营地,将是8月18日的演出就像你喜欢的那样。


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I will draw one winner at random from all entries at 12:00pm on Tuesday, May 22, 2018.


UpdateThe winner is Roger!

*All contests are open to residents of Canada only, unless otherwise stated. Contest timelines are published on each individual post along with entry methods. Some contests may only be open to those 19 years of age and older. Winners are announced on the contest blog posts.竞赛政策»

5条评论 - 关闭评论

  1. 杰森bTuesday, May 15th, 2018 — 2:18pm PDT


  2. 珍妮2018年5月17日,星期四 - PDT上午9:23

    This would be an amazing experience for my 13 year old son! It would also give hime a better appreciation for the depth and use of the english language.

  3. 罗杰·奥尔德姆(Roger Oldham)Thursday, May 17th, 2018 — 12:43pm PDT


  4. Darren D2018年5月17日,星期四 - PDT下午9:49


  5. Roz2018年5月22日,星期二 - PDT上午12:48

