
添加评论经过丽贝卡·博尔维特(Rebecca Bollwitt)

今天,四个原住民 - lil̓wat7úl(líl̓wat),xʷməθkʷəy̓əm(musqueam),sḵwx̱wú7mesh(squamish)和səl̓ilw̓ətaʔɬ(tsleil-waututh)(tsleil-waututh)nations - 宣布了他们的了解(他们已经与Memorandum of Memorandum of Memorandum of Memorandum of Memorandum of Memorandum of Memorandum of Memorandum of Memorandum of Memorandum of Memorandum of Memorandum of thangud of。惠斯勒的度假胜地开始评估举办奥运会和残奥会的可行性的过程。





“Líl̓Wat国家很高兴与Musqueam,Squamish和Tsleil-Waututh Nations,Whistler的度假胜地和温哥华市合作,以探索第一个土著人,导致举办2030年奥运会。”“The Nations’ participation in the 2010 Games as a bid partner was ground-breaking, and with this announcement and our desire for this to be the first Indigenous led bid for an Olympic Games, we continue to lead the way in Indigenous participation in major events.”

“ 2010年的奥运会和残奥会以一种新的令人兴奋的方式将我们的四个国家汇集在一起​​。从那以后,我们继续为社区的利益而共同努力。“通过探索将游戏带回我们的领土的可能性,我们有机会创建一种新的奥运会遗产,该遗产基于我们独特的土著观点 - 这种方法应考虑到所有未来的游戏。”

Squamish国家议员兼发言人威尔逊·威廉姆斯(Wilson Williams)说:“本着和解的精神,对于我们的国家来说,了解举办2030年冬季奥运会的影响和潜在好处很重要。”“如果投标前进,我们的国家将领导并参与计划和举办游戏的各个方面。这是一个向世界宣布我们不可见的机会,我们仍然在这里,将永远在这里。”


作为2010年奥运会和残奥会冬季奥运会联合主持人城市,温哥华和惠斯勒已受到东道国的邀请参加这些探索性讨论。The MOU has been formally endorsed by the elected councils of each of the partners and builds on the legacy of the 2010 Games.


As one action addressing reconciliation in sport, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) has called upon the officials and host countries of international sporting events such as the Olympics, Pan Am, and Commonwealth Games to ensure that Indigenous Peoples’ territorial protocols are respected, and local Indigenous communities are engaged in all aspects of planning and participating in such events (TRC呼叫行动91)。

加拿大奥运会和残奥会委员会发表了一份声明。加拿大奥林匹克委员会主席特里西亚·史密斯(Tricia Smith)四届奥运会和奥运会银牌得主说:


… As the franchise holders of the Olympic and Paralympic movements in Canada, we believe in implementing a process that implements the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Call to Action 91, BC’s Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act and United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to ensure Indigenous peoples’ territorial protocols are respected and local indigenous communities are engaged in all aspects of planning and participation in Olympic and Paralympic sporting events.”
