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注释1经过丽贝卡·博尔维特(Rebecca Bollwitt)

当地的葡萄园和酿酒厂,乡镇7以其社区活动而闻名,当然也是其美味的葡萄酒选择,他将于12月在其Langley和Naramata地点举办两个开放式房屋。乡镇的假日开放式房屋7宾夕法尼亚州葡萄园在哪里:Naramata替补席/Okanagan Valley Wine商店1450 McMillan Ave,Penticton:2014年12月6日,星期六[…]


添加评论经过丽贝卡·博尔维特(Rebecca Bollwitt)
披露:审查- 这不是付费职位。观点是我自己的。餐点是旅游协会或这次媒体旅行中所有人的称赞。请查看政策与披露部分以获取更多信息。


penticton的SS Sicamous

添加评论经过丽贝卡·博尔维特(Rebecca Bollwitt)

The mission of my trip to the Okanagan in early October was to taste, sip, and experience a bounty from the Okanagan Wine Festivals Society and its members but along the way I discovered a few more points of interest worth exploring the next time you’re in the area. One of said attractions is the […]


添加评论经过丽贝卡·博尔维特(Rebecca Bollwitt)



添加评论经过丽贝卡·博尔维特(Rebecca Bollwitt)

It’s only fitting that we celebrate BC Craft Beer Month since it was right here in the Greater Vancouver area that John Mitchell opened the first modern craft brewery in Canada back in 1982. Today, there are over 70 craft breweries in the province and craft beer has bubbled up to 12.7% (of all beer […]